hpo Practical Case Banking
Scalable Organisation
About three years before the cooperation with hpo, a financial service provider was taken over by a universal bank, but only partially integrated. The aim of the project with hpo was to (re-)focus on the efficient provision of core services that had not been transferred to the parent company. This was to be achieved by improved agility, a stronger focus on resources, and better use of economies of scale.
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Integration of a company into the holding structure
First, the actual customer needs - of the parent company as well as of external customers - were identified and a suitable value proposition was formulated. Key questions were, among others: What does the parent company expect from us? Which new customer segments could be targeted? Then the roles were sharpened and the range of services for internal and external customers, including the necessary core activities, was derived.
The following questions had to be clarified: Which internal role do we want to take on in the future, that of service provider and/or partner? And what skills do we need for this? The next step was to define the process-related interaction with the parent company - both in day-to-day business and in innovative activities - and to determine the points of interaction with external customers.
The main benefit for the financial service provider was the identification of three central growth levers in the product range. The clear structure of the future products or services enabled the precise definition of the activities that are necessary to provide the services offered. And the highly efficient business process model derived from this created the prerequisite for a scalable organisation that can react optimally to fluctuations in demand.
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hpo stands for High Performance Organisations. As experts for strategy, business processes, organisation and transformation, we have been supporting nationally and globally active clients since 1995 in releasing performance potential and transforming strategies into measurable results. With our holistic and partnership-based enterprise desing approach, we reliably lead them to their goal: a consistently designed and sustainably effective High Performance Organisation - fit for the future and with a clear competitive advantage.
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